Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Web Developmnt 9



Question #1: Why table tag is used?

Answer:  Table tag is used to add the table in code.It also has end tag which is called closing tag.

Question #2 : For which purpose tr and td  and th is used?

Answer: tr is used for adding row in table and td tag is used for adding column in table and th is use for adding header text in table. All of them are essential for table tag.

Question #3: Why marqee tag is used?

Answer: For headlines marquee tag is used. Behavior and direction are attributes of marquee tag.

NOTEMarquee tag is a part of CSS language.

Question #3: Define  CSS?

Answer: CSS is a language that is used for designing. It provides the formatting to the text.

Question #4: What is Style used for?

Answer: Style is used in css .It can be used as a tag or an attribute and also used in head tag.