Thursday, 27 July 2023

Web Development 5



Question #1: For which purpose image tag is used ?

Answer: Img tag is used to insert the image in code of html(visual code) It is written as <img scr="" alt="">. For example <img scr="image name " alt="error">
NOTE: Image tag has no closing tag.

Qustion #2: What can be the attributes of image tag?

Answer: Scr and Alt are the main attributes of center tag. But Width and Height can also be used as the attributes of image tag.

Qustion #2: For what purpose Scr and Alt are used in imaged tag?

Answer: Scr is use for adding the name of the picture that is to be used. Alt is used to to give some kind of information to make you sure that your image is not downloaded due to some network issue. For example <img scr="image name" alt="error">.

Question #3: For which purpose video tag is used ?

Answer: video tag is used to insert the video in code of html(visual code) It is written as <video scr="" alt="">. For example <video scr="video name "></video>

Question #4: For which purpose audio tag is used ?

Answer: audio tag is used to insert the audio in code of html(visual code) It is written as <audio scr="" alt="">. For example <audio scr="audio name "></audio>