Friday 1 September 2023

Web Development 20




Question #1 : What are the properties of style tag ?

Answer: Following are the properties of style,

  • backgroud-color 
  • background-image
  • border-radius 
  • border-top-left-radius 
  • border-top-right-radius
  • border-bottom-left-radius 
  • border-bottom-right-radius
  • color
  • font-style
  • width
  • height
  • border

and many others.....

Question #2 : What is meant by Inspect?

Answer: Short cut Keys for inspect are as follows: ctrl+shift+i . Inspect element is the developer tool that is used for the for making changes in the front end of the the site.Using inspect we can change the CSS and Html of the page or a site. For example; following shows the front end of google...

Web Development 19




Question #1 : Why is header, section and footer tag used for?

Answer: Header , section , footer are the three parts of html file page for making website. Header tag isused to for identifying the heading phase of web page. Section tag is used to identify the body of theweb page. Footer tag is used to identify the ending of the web page.

Question #2 : Why is navigation and div tag used for?

Answer: Navigation tag  and Div tag is used as contain in which many tags can be written and same type of CSS can be performed on it at once.

Friday 25 August 2023

Web Development 18




Question #1: Why is CSS used for?

Answer: CSS is used for designing purpose in html.

Question #2: How many types of CSS are there?

Answer: Their are three types of  CSS :
  1. Inline CSS
  2. Internal CSS
  3. External CSS

Question #3: What is Inline CSS?

Answer: It is used as an attribute in any tag.For Example 

Question #3: What is Internal CSS?

Answer: In Intrenal CSS style is used as tag.

Web Development 17




Question #1: What are google applications we mostly used for?

Answer: Following are the Google applications mostly used :
  • Docs
  • Sheets
  • Forms
  • Slides

Question #2: For what purpose Docs is used for?

Answer: Docs is used for online documentation. It is similar to MS word.

Question #3: For what purpose Sheets is used for?

Answer: Sheets is used for online calculations and arrangements of data. It is similar to MS excel.

Question #3: For what purpose Forms is used for?

Answer: Forms is used for online creation of forms

Question #3: For what purpose Slides is used for?

Answer: Slides is used for online creation of Presentation

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Web Development 16




Question #1: Why is iframe tag used for?

Answer: Iframr tag is used to embed a YouTube video in html language.
Click Share option under a YouTube video and then go for embaded option. Copy the link and paste in iframe tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width= , initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>Assignment number 1</h1>
<iframe src="" title="YouTube video player"
frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay;
clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;
web-share" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><br>

Web Development 15



Question #1: Why is field set used for?

Answer: Field set is used to make a block around the text written with in the field set tag.
For Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Odit laboriosam dolores voluptas eum <br>excepturi inventore quam
illo sint atque quaerat perferendis consectetur <br>labore harum,
facere magni incidunt id voluptate repellat?

Question #2: Why is Legend tag used for?

Answer: Legend tag is used to describe the field set box. For example, ____general box________.

Question #2: Why is Div tag used for?

Answer: Div tag is like a container (is only useful when CSS is used It is very important tag).

Saturday 12 August 2023

Web Dvelopment 14



Following are some few tags that are inline tags

  • underline tag <u></u>
  • italic tag <i></i>
  • bold tag <b></b>
  • image tag <img></img>
Following are some few tags that are block tags
  • paragraph tag <p></p>
  • table tag <table></table>