Sunday 17 September 2023

Web Development 23




Question #1 : What is Java script ?

Answer: JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn.

Questoin #2 : What is the main tag used in java script ?

Answer: Script tag is used in java script.

Questoin #3 : What document.write(" ") used in java script ?

Answer: document.write(" ") is used in java script. It is used to display the text on which different CSS and html is applied with different operations. Any mistakes can cause error in code. It is essential part of java script.

Questoin #4 : Why var used in java script ?

Answer: Var is used to add a variable in java script. It act as data type in code of java script.

Monday 11 September 2023

Friday 8 September 2023

Technology 3


Technology 2


Technology 1


Technology lends immense support in automating various tasks, setting up reminders, communicating efficiently, paying bills at the click of a button, and shopping for the simplest things, such as groceries to investing in valuable assets right in the comfort of our homes

Whether it's practical (like washing machines, tumble dryers, refrigerators, cars, flooring materials, windows, or door handles) or for leisure (like televisions, Blu-ray players, games consoles, reclining chairs, or toys), all these things are examples of technology.

Web Development 22




Question #1 : What is the purpose of outline in html  ?

Answer: An outline is a line around an element. It is displayed around the margin of the element.

Question #2 : What is the purpose of outline-offset in html  ?

Answer:The outline-offset property adds space between the outline and the edge or border of an element.

Question #3 : What is the background-image, letter-spacing and opacity in html  ?

Answer: Background-image is used to add the background-image in code.

Letter-spcaing is used to add the space in letters of the text.

Opacity is used to make the color of the text dull.

Web Development 21




Question #1 : What is padding in html  ?

Answer: Padding is the space between the content and the border of an element.

Question #2 : What is margin in html  ?

Answer: Margins control the spacing width between the edges of your web page and the element itself.

Question #3 : What is meant by text-dacoration in html  ?

Answer: Text-decoration is the attribute of CSS used for the dacoration of text.

Question #4 : What is the purpose of :hover in html  ?

Answer: The :hover selector is used to select elements when you mouse over them. :hover is used to change the current properties of the text to make the comparison in properties of the link or text like it was before. Width, height, color etc are the properties which can be changed as shown.